Recipe for Champagne Festive Fruit Salad

Vintage Family Recipe Card for a alcoholic fruity salad punch.

Back in Grandma’s time, they didn’t follow the rules of “champagne” labeling. So in modern language, this is a sparkling pink wine dessert. More a punch than a salad, but not going to argue with my Grandma, who has long since passed.

Recipe Card 1 for Champagne Festive Fruit Salad – photo credit Grans Kitchen Table
Recipe Card 2 for Champagne Festive Fruit Salad

One interesting thing I noticed while going through my Grandma’s recipes. Over time, especially in the past 15 years, companies have reduced the sizes of products. Example: The “typical” can of tuna that was 6.5 ounces in Grandma’s day, is either 5 or 5.5 ounces now. Hence why I use my sister site to post just the recipe, so I can make allowances for any changes or substitutions needed to account for modern adjustments to measurements and food availability.

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